Know Before You Go
Student Pre-Competition Survey
- AIHEC Student Pre-Competition Survey
- Pre-competition surveys can be filled out before arrival at AIHEC and will be collected on the first day of competition.
Dietary Restrictions
- During the NASA Robotics Competition at the AIHEC 2020 Spring Conference March 21-24, lunch will be served for team members on Sunday March 22, Monday March 23 and Tuesday March 24. Please email, if anyone on your team has any allergies and/or dietary restrictions.
Equipment Needed
- Each team will need to bring 2 laptops for the competition.
Lunar Base Camp Competition
The overall goal of the rover competition challenge is for teams to successfully set up a lunar base camp for human habitation through a series of five (5) sequential tasks.
In addition to the rover competition, teams are required to develop a plan to communicate how the skills and technologies used in the challenge could be used to help communities with limited or scarce resources. This plan will be presented orally to a panel of judges.
- Lego EV3 Information
We request that each team bring (2) laptops to the competition. Teams must download the Lego EV3 Mindstorm software onto each laptop prior to the competition. It is advised, but not required, that teams prepare for the competition by reviewing Lego EV3 materials in advance of the competition.
EV3 Download
Lego EV3 Tutorials
(NCAS does not endorse a particular tutorial. These resources are suggestions; please feel free to research additional resources.)
- Important Documents
Lunar Base Camp Competition Rules
NASA’s core values consist of Safety, Teamwork, and Integrity in support of Mission Success. We commit without compromise to embodying our core values in all that we do. Please sign this form to acknowledge that you will adhere to the NCAS Expected Behaviors.
The NASA Media Release form grants permission for NASA personnel to photograph competition participants and use the images in instructional and promotional materials. Please sign the Acceptable Behavior Expectations document to acknowledge that you will adhere to the Expected Behaviors.
- Post Event Documents
We are always looking for ways to grow and provide quality experiences for students. Please complete this short survey and share your feedback about the NASA Lunar Base Camp competition.
Photo Upload